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Holiday photos for Dec 2017



Louie - Dante - Floyd  



Louie & Floyd

Louie, Driver & Floyd 

Dover 2.5yrs



Gemma and Pia






December 14, 2017. CH Wllslands Maysa Titos Lady TT CGC crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Maysa was 11yrs and 3 months.



December 8, 2017 - Crossed over Rainbow Bridge, HIT Tylaurs Pequot Peace Pipe TT CGC RE CD AX AXJ IT HT HSsd

"Willow" owned and loved by Laura Johnson



December 2, 2017 - Worcester County KC in Springfield Mass. Wllslands Jackpot at DoverDowns V Cooper Creek "Dover" was Select Dog, BOBOH under judge Ms. Susan Godek for another GRCH point



November 26, 2017 Thanksgiving Cluster, Springfield Mass, Holyoke Kennel Club: Wllslands Imagine Running with the Rebel is now a Champion, taking a 4pt major under judge Mrs. Sulie Greendale-Paveza

CH Wllslands Jackpot at Doverdowns V Cooper Creek went Select dog and BOB OH and OH group 3 under judge Mrs Linda Berberich

Ch Valcopy the Lone Gunmen, "Dale" was BOB and BOB OH Fri, Sat and Sun Nov 24-26.



November 25, 2017 - Wllslands Kurve in the Road V Bethany Farms, "Driver" took the 4 pt major with Amanda handling him for her first time in the ring! Judge: Mrs Patricia Hess


CH Wllslands Jackpot at Doverdowns V Cooper Creek, "Dover" was select dog for GrCh points and OH BOB and OH Group 2 under judge Dr. Ken Doeg



November 11, 2017 - Framingham District KC Boxborough Mass. CH Wllslands Jackpot at DoverDowns V Cooper Creek, "Dover" first time out a a Specials dog went BOS, BOBOH and OH group 2 under Judge Mr.Bob Busby



October, 2017 Halloween pics



Sept 27 - Oct 1, 2017 - The Hunt Country Cluster at Historic LongBranch Farm in Millwood VA
5 All Breed Shows, 3 supported entries: Colonial Rottweiler Club on Fri and Sat and American Rottweiler Club on Sunday We had 4, 7.5 month old puppies out of the "Bentley" X "Rebel" litter, 2 dogs and 2 bitches. the results for the week are :

Blue Ridge Rottweiler Club

Wednesday, judge, Mrs Joan Anselm, Wllslands Kurve in the Road V Bethany Farms, "Driver" won the 6-9 puppy dog class, Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms, Kaptain" won the BBE class, Wllslands Kream of the Krop V Bethany Farms, "Kai" won the 6-9 puppy bitch class, Wllslands Kauzin' An Affect V Bethany Farms won the BBE class.
Driver karma Kaptain Kai in set  up Driver and Karma 7.5mo
 Driver day 1 7.5mo Driver Day 1 Sept 27 Millwood
Thursday, judge, Mrs. Catherine O. Cooper, "Driver" was second in his 6-9 puppy class, "Kaptain" was first in the BBE class. "Kai" was second in the 6-9 puppy bitch class and "Karma" won the BBE class
Friday, Sweeps judge, Ms. JoAnne M. Buehler, "Kaptain" was first, "Driver" was second in the 6-9 puppy sweeps class. "Karma" was second and "Kai" was third in the 6-9 puppy bitch sweeps. Regular classes judged by: Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke, "Driver" was third in the 6-9 puppy class. "Kaptain" was first in the BBE class. "Kai" was first in the 6-9 puppy bitch class, "Karma" was first in the BBE class.
Driver Karma Kaptain Oct 1 ready to  showBlow dry time for Kaptain Driver learned how to drink from  the spray bottle

Saturday, Sweeps judge, Mr. Khalid A Karriem, "Driver" was first and "Kaptain" was second in the 6-9 puppy dog class."Kai" was second and "Karma" was third in the 6-9 puppy bitch sweeps. Regular classes judged by Dr. Klaus Anselm, "Driver" was third in the 6-9 puppy class, "Kaptain" was first in the BBE class, "Kai" was second in the 6-9 puppy bitch class, "Karma" was second in the BBE class.
Sunday, Sweeps judge, Mrs. Kennette Tabor, "Driver" was first and "Kaptain" was third in the 6-9 puppy dog sweeps class, "Kai" was first and "Karma" was third in the 6-9 puppy butch sweeps class. Regular classes judged by:Mr. Robert Slay. "Driver" was third in the 6-9 class, "Kaptain" was first in the BBE class, "Kai" was second in the 6-9 puppy bitch class and "Karma" was second in the BBE class.
Driver 7.5 mo Oct 1 reg class  3rd Driver Driver what dirt face Driver First time on table AKC Logo AKC Logo

It was our first time traveling with the "Littles" The Toy Fox Terriers, owned by Laura, Mary and Adriene.
Valcopy the Lone Gunmen, "Dale" finished his championship with 2, 5pt majors, A Best of Breed and a Best of Opposite for Grand Championship points.

Valcopy Trust No One, "Ali" finished her championship with a 5pt major and a Select for some Grand Championship points

Valcopy The Truth is out There "Fern" showed her little heart out keeping all 4 on the ground!



September 23, 2017 Trap Falls KC RDO Day, CH Wllslands Jackpot at DoverDowns V Cooper Creek passed his CGC

September 23, 2017 Wllslands Imagine Being King Louie passed his CGCA



August 27 2017, Elm City KC, Springfield Mass. Wllslands Jackpot at Dover Downs, "Dover" finished his championship at just over 2 yrs old with 4 majors. His final major was awarded by Respected Breeder Judge Lee Whittier.


July 22, 2017 - Putnam KC, Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park, Carmel NY, Wllslands Jackpot At DoverDowns V Cooper Creek, "Dover" was WD/BW under Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke for 1 point.


July 9, 2017 Naugatuck Valley KC Springfield Mass. judge Mrs terri Breen gives Dover Best of Winners for 2 points



July 7, 2017 Kenilworth KC Springfield Mass. judge Ms. Sandy Wheat gives Wllslands Jackpot at Dover Downs V Cooper Creek, "Dover" Best Of Winners for a point.

July 8, 2017 Farmington Valley KC Springfield Mass. judge Mr Robert Slay gives Dover Best of Winners for his second 3 point major



July 1, 2017 - Hockamock KC Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds Wrentham Mass, Wllslands Jackpot at Doverdowns V Cooper Creek "Dover" earned his first 3 point major under judge Mrs. Nancy Simmons. Dover is 2yrs old.



June 8, 2017 Taconic Hills KC, Wllslands Imagine Bella Luna, earned her AKC Championship! 4 pt Major!


May 27,2017 - 16 wk old Puppy ConfidenceTraining in Southbury | Memorial Day Fun














Jeff and Floyd












March 31, 2017 Columbia KC, Concord NC. Wllslands Imagine Bella Luna, "Luna" earned her second major under Cecilia Martinez


Sunday 03/05/2017 Connecticut River Working Group, Judge, Mrs. Roberta C. Davies, Best of Breed, Best OH, Group 2 OH:  "Bubba" GRCH WLLSLANDS SALT ROCKS ST JAMES GUINEZ

Saturday 03/04/2017 Connecticut River Working Group, Sweepstakes Judge, Ms Denise Gross, Best Veteran in Sweeps:  "Trudi" GRCH WLLSLANDS GETTIN DOWN TO BUSINESS. DOB 9/28/2009

"Maysa" CH WLLSLANDS MAYSA TITOS LADY at 10.5 yrs went along to play in Veteran Sweepstakes




February 23 and 25th, First Co Governor's Foot Guard and Rockland County KC. Wllslands Imagine Bella Luna won 2 points under Hal Biermann and a 3 pt major under Gay Kuehnel-Hisatake.



January 7 and 8th, 2017 - Merrimack Valley Kennel Club Springfield, Mass. Wllslands Imagine Bella Luna was Winners bitch and Best of Winners both days for a point each day. Pictured judge, Dr Carmen Battaglia.



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