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December 23, 2018 - Pawz For Wellness end of year Christmas Party











Christmas 2018





Dec 9, 2018 - Eastern Dog Club, Springfield Mass, "Driver"  CH WLLSLANDS KURVE IN THE ROAD V BETHANY FARMS went WD for 2pts to finish his Championship under judge Ed Hall


Dec 8, 2018 - Eastern Dog Club, Springfield Mass, "Kaptain" WLLSLANDS KAPTAIN VON LUTTERS V BETHANY FARMS. went WD for 2pts judge Mr Terry Stacey



Nov 25 2018, Thanksgiving cluster, Springfield Mass. "Jameson" Wllslands Let it Be A Shot of Whiskey took the 4point major at 10 months old.  Kaptain, "Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms went reserve.



Nov 24 2018 - Springfield Mass. "Kaptain" Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms was Reserve WD to the major at the Thanksgiving Cluster shows


Nov 23, 2018 - Springfield Mass. "Bubba" GRCH Wllslands Salt Rocks St James Guiness was BOB Veteran Dog going on to a Veteran Group 3!


Halloween Oct 31, 2018







October 10, 2018 - National Owner Handled Series Finalists


Sept 22, 2018 - Shelton CT Trap Falls Kennel Club Responsible Dog Ownership Day.
Kaptain Passed his CGC Test!


Sept 2, 2018 - Sussex Hills Kennel Club in Morristown NJ, "Dover" was BOBOH judge Linda Berberich

Sept 1, 2018 - Newton Kennel Club in Augusta NJ, "Dover" was BOBOH under judge Cindy Meyer and OH Group 3 under Michael Canalizo


August 26, 2018 - Elm City Kennel Club Springfield Mass "Dover" was Select dog and BOBOH judge Mr. Darryl Vice. "Driver" was WD/ BOW for 1 point

August 25, 2018 - Newtown Kennel Club Springfield Mass "Dover" was BOBOH judge Mrs. Joan Zielinski

August 23, 2018 - Newtown Kennel Club Springfield Mass, "Dover" BOBOH and OH Grp 3, breed judge Catherine Cooper and Grp judge Ms. Denise Flaim


Wllslands Mehatable Downz CD RE TT HIT CGC Can P-CD
October 6, 2005 ~ July 25, 2018
When I left the house at 10:30 on the morning of July 25, I had no reason to believe you would make the decision to cross rainbow bridge that day. You did though, on your own terms. But that was you, you didn’t do anything unless it was on your own terms. I am so fortunate I didn't have to make the decision. You were found in your crate at 4:30 'asleep' with your head resting on a flip chip, forever guarding it from everyone.
The daily routine never wavered that morning, breakfast and the morning patrolling of the property was the same. You gave everyone in the house your opinion of them the same as you always did. Rest in Peace Matt Mouse, till we meet again. 12 years, 9 months and 19 days we had with you.





July 7, 2018 - Farmington Valley KC, Springfield Mass.GRCH Wllslands Jackpot at Doverdowns V Cooper Creek RN TT CGC, "Dover" was Select dog and OHBOB and OH Group 2.

Wllslands Let It Be a Shot of Whisky, "Jameson" hung out for the day with his sister, Wllslands Let it Be Gemma Von Orras, "Gemma"



June 30, 2018 - GRCH Wllslands Jackpot at Doverdowns V Cooper Creek RN TT CGC, "Dover" was OHBOB and OH group 2 / Wllslands Let it Be a Bit Exotic, "Zuri" was Puppy Working Group 2



June 29, 2018 - General Clinton Park, Bainbridge, NY, Wllslands Let It Be Lasting Foundation, "Brick" was Puppy Working Group 2




June 26, 2018 - 2 boys & 1 girl born to GCH Ecko Ridge’s Epic Adventure CGC, ATTS X Ch Wllslands Imagine Winning the Brickyard


Sunday June 24, 2018 - Penobscot Valley Kennel Club, Maine, Wllslands Let it Be Gemma Von Orras, "Gemma" was BPB/ BPG2 under judge Col Joe B Purkiser and shown by Alyssa Sarro



June 22, 23 and 24, 2018 - New Paltz NY. GRCH Wllslands Jackpot at Doverdowns V Cooper Creek RN TT CGC "Dover" was BOBOH all 3 days with a Group 3 on Sat and a Group 4 on Sunday


June 19 2018 - Wllslands Let it Be a Bit Exotic, "Zuri" graduated from STAR puppy with Yvette at 5 months old!


June 10, 2018 - Longshore -Southport KC Ct. "Dover" was BOBOH under judge Terry Berrios


June 10, 2018 - Longshore Southport KC in Norwalk CT. offered Fast CAT and both Kai, WLLSLANDS KREAM OF THE KROP V BETHANY FARMS CGC NTD and Cale ran it for the first time.
Kai ran 24.37 MPH and Cale ran 20.23 MPH..


June 8 2018 - Taconic Hills KC, Yorktown Heights NY, "Dover" GRCH Wllslands Jackpot at Doverdowns V Cooper Creek RN TT CGC was BOBOH and OH Group 1. judge Dr. Mary-Helene (Mimi) Brown MD


May 28 2018 - Memorial Day Shelton parade, Marcus and Bubba enjoyed the festivities while Driver, Floyd and Louie enjoyed each others company at Jenns.


Driver : Floyd : Louie


May 20 2018 - York County Kennel Club, Scarborough Maine, CH Wllslands Jackpot at Doverdowns V Cooper Creek RN TT CGC "Dover" was BOB and BOBOH for 5 GRCH points to finish his Grand Championship under judge Andrew Ritter.


May 8-9 2018 - Wllslands Kurve In The Road, "Driver" was shown by Sarah in the 15-18 Sweeps puppy dog class and shown by Amanda in the regular 15-18 puppy dog class. Driver also earned the first leg of his Beginner Novice dog title.


May 8-9, 2018 - CH Wllslands Jackpot at DoverDowns V Cooper Creek CGC TT "Dover" played in the Beginner Novice ring and the Rally Novice A ring. Robin and Dover earned 2 legs in the Beginner Novice ring and 2 additional legs for his Rally Novice title.



May 7 - 10, 2018 - Colonial Rottweiler Club 31st Independent Specialty, Lancaster Host Resort and Event Center,Lancaster PA



May 7 - CH Wllslands Jackpot at DoverDowns V Cooper Creek CGC TT passed the ATTS test. Ron and Cale also passed the ATTS Test



Wllslands Kream of The Krop V Bethany Farms "Kai" earned her CGC, Barn Hunt first leg with High in her Class and Her Novice Trick Dog Title


The Monday night puppy match. Wllslands Let it Be a Bit Exotic "Zuri" and Wllslands Let it Be Once in a Blue Moon Harper "Harper" were in the 3-6mo puppy class. In 4 entries, Zuri was first and Harper was fourth.




May 6, 2018 Trenton Kennel Club, Mercer County Park NJ, CH Wllslands Jackpot at DoverDowns V Cooper Creek CGC "Dover" was BOBOH and OH Group 1.

                                  Dover                                                         Driver and Zuri



May 5, 2018 - Bucks County Kennel Club, Erwinna, PA, CH Wllslands Jackpot at DoverDowns V Cooper Creek CGC "Dover" was BOBOH and OH group3. Judges Mrs. Sheila Dinardo and Dr. Elliott More



April 8, 2018 - Trap Falls Kennel Club, CH Wllslands Jackpot At Doverdowns V Cooper Creek, Dover earned his first leg with Robin in the Rally Novice A class with a score of 92 under judge Denise LaCroix.
April 7, 2018 - Troy Kennel Club in Springfield Mass, Wllslands Kurve In The Road, "Driver" was WD for his 3rd major. 3pts under judge Bonnie Linnell Clarke.


March 31, 2018 - Trumbull CT, Rebel X Bentley puppies, 14 months, group training for a show on May 5th in CT

Group after training


Jeff and Floyd


Amanda and Driver


Lisa and Kaptain    ::    Kai





Sunday March 4, 2018 - First Company Governors Foot Guard, Wllslands Kurve in the Road V Bethany Farms , "Driver" won the 4pt major under judge Fred Ferris

Driver 4 pt major


Amanda and Driver


      Driver stacked 13mo      :      Amanda & Karma 13 mo      :      Amanda & Kaptain


      Kaptain 13 months    :    Dover stacked 2.8yrs



Saturday March 3, 2018 - Connecticut River Working Group Association: Wllslands Kurve in the Road V Bethany Farms , "Driver" was Best in Sweepstakes under Rebecca Carner and WLLSLANDS KAUZIN' AN AFFECT V BETHANY FARMS "Karma" was Best of Opposite in Sweeps

Driver - Best in Sweeps CT River


Karma: Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes CT River


Driver and Amanda CT River


Driver 13months       ::       Karma 13months

Saturday March 3, 2018 - First Company Governors Foot Guard: Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms wins a 5pt major under judge Ms. Angela J. Porpora.

CH WLLSLANDS JACKPOT AT DOVERDOWNS V COOPER CREEK. won an Award of Merit, Best of Breed OH and an OH Group 3 under judge Bob Busby



Dover AOM, Best of Breed OH and Group 3



February 7, 2018, Happy Birthday to the Rebel X Bentley puppies on their first birthday!

Elsa (left)  Kaptain (right)


January 7, 2018 - Merrimack Valley Kennel Club,CH Wllslands Jackpot at DoverDowns V Cooper Creek "Dover" was Select Dog, BOBOH and OH Group 3.



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