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December 25 - Merry Christmas!


Steam Nov 29 2018, 1 year gone , Miss you Buddy



Bubba, Dash and Rebel


Driver and Floyd

Ellie and Bubba

Floyd and Driver



Floyd and Zuri


Olive and Louie






Roscoe and Fuller

Rebel and Bubbles

Sierra and Louie

Zuri Bubbles Denver

Trudi and Karma

Bergdorf and Vermeer


Tammy Snyder XMas


December 8, Eastern Dog Club Springfield Mass, CH Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms "Kaptain" was Select Dog and BOB OH under judge Ms. Janet Cohen

December 7, Eastern Dog Club Springfield Mass, CH Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms "Kaptain" was Select Dog for 1 GRCH point and BOBOH under judge Mr. Andrew Ritter


November 30, - Worcester County KC Springfield Mass, CH Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms "Kaptain" was Select dog for 2 GRCH points and BOBOH and OH Group 2 judge Mr. David J Peat.


November 24 - Holyoke KC Springfield Mass Wllslands Klouds 'Round The Moon "Floyd" goes WD for a 3point major under judge Mr. Robert Robinson

November 23 - Holyoke KC Springfield Mass CH Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms "Kaptain" was Select dog for 5 GRCH points and BOBOH under judge Ms. JoAnne Buehler.

November 22 - South Windsor KC Springfield Mass Wllslands Kween of The Realm V Bethany Farms "Katara" was WB/Best of Opposite for a 3 point major under Ms Carolyn Alexander

November 21 - Holyoke KC Springfield Mass Wllslands Kween of The Realm V Bethany Farms "Katara" was WB and BBE for 1 point under judge Ms. Debra Thornton


November 3 - Finger Lakes American Eskimo Dog Association in Locke NY, Wllslands Let it Be Lasting Foundation "Brick" earned his UKC CH going breed over a CH dog and winning a working Group 1.

November 2 - Warrenton KC Doswell VA, Wllslands Let it Be Once In A Blue Moon Harper "Harper" was Best in Sweeps in the Colonial Rottweiler Club Supported Entry under judge Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro. Harper was also WB/BW/BOS for a 4point major under judge Ms. Kimberly Anne Meredith

November 1 - Warrenton KC Doswell VA, Wllslands Let it Be Once In A Blue Moon Harper "Harper" was Best in Sweeps in the Colonial Rottweiler Club Supported Entry under judge Mr. Matthew Townsend

October 31 - Charlottesville - Albemarle KC Doswell VA, Wllslands Let it Be Once In A Blue Moon Harper "Harper" WB/BOW and BOB over 3 specials for a 4 point major.
CH Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms was BOBOH and OH Group 3. under judge Dr Andrea Bradford



October 30 - Middleburg KC Doswell VA , Wllslands Let it Be Once In A Blue Moon Harper "Harper" was WB/BOW/BOS for 1 point
CH Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms was BOBOH under judge Mrs Kennette Tabor


October 26 & 27, 2019 - Riverhead KC & Queensbore KC, Wllslands Let it Be Gemma Von Orras "Gemma" was WB/BOW/ BOBOH both days for 1 point each day.


October 19, 2019 - Albany KC in Springfield Mass, CH Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms went BOB & BOBOH and Working Group 3 OH under Canadian judge Rosemary Shoreman.
Wllslands Kream of the Krop V Bethany Farms finished her Championship going WB/BOW under the same judge.


October 13 - Ramapo KC Agusta NJ, CH Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms "Kaptain" was BOBOH


September 21, 2019 - Northwestern CT Dog Club Goshen CT.
Beginner Novice Class A, judge Mrs Denise Lacroix
Wllslands Klouds 'Round The Moon V Bethany Farms "Floyd" scored a 188 and 3rd place for his first BN leg handled by Jenn

Beginner Novice Class B
Wllslands Imagine Martini At Midnight "Olive" earned her first BN leg with a 190 handled by Jenn
Wllslands Imagine Being king Louie "Louie" earned his first BN leg with a 192 handled by Jenn
Wllslands Let It Be A Bit Exotic "Zuri" earned her first BN leg with a 194 and a 3rd place handled by Yvette


Sept 8, 2019 - Souhegan KC Wllslands Let It Be Gemma Von Orras "Gemma" was BOW for a point..


Sept 8, 2019 - Westchester KC in Agusta, NJ, Wllslands Imagine Martini At Midnight CGC "Olive" went BOW for her Championship.


August 25 - Wllslands Let It Be Lasting Foundation "Brick" CD BN CGC TKN got his Novice Jumpers Preferred title today. He's all up in Open Agility now. He worked hard and did a really nice job this weekend!

August 25 - Elm City KC Springfield Mass Wllslands Klouds 'Round the Moon "Floyd" was W/BW/BOBOH for 4pts,

Wllslands Imagine Martini at Midnight "Olive" was WB for 4pts under judge Mr Rolland Pelland

August 24 - Newtown KC Springfield Mass Wllslands Kream of the Krop V Bethany Farms "Kai" was WB for a 3 point major under judge Mr. James Brown / Kai was also first place in Open Barn Hunt earning her Barn Hunt Open Title

August 23 - Ox Ridge KC Springfield Mass, Wllslands Imagine Martini at Midnight "Olive" was WB for 1 point under judge Mrs. Eva Berg / Wllslands Klouds Round the Moon "Floyd" was W/BOW for 1 point

August 22 - Newtown KC Springfield Mass, Wllslands Imagine Martini at Midnight "Olive" was W/BW for 1 point under judge Dr. Albert Bianchi


August 10, 2019 - Southern Adirondack Dog Club, Ballston Spa, NY, Wllslands Imagine Martini At Midnight "Olive" was W/ BOW/ BOS for a 3pt major under judge Ms. Jacqueline Raynor


July 20, 2019 - Putnam KC in Carmel NY, Wllslands 'Klouds Round the Moon "Floyd" was BOW for a point. He also qualified in 2 Farm Dog Test exams for his Farm Dog Title.
Wllslands Imagine Martini at Midnight "Olive" was reserve WB and earned her CGC on a 95* day!


July 15, 2019 - Twin Brooks KC, Morristown NJ, Wllslands Imagine Martini At Midnight "Olive" was WB for her first point under judge Terry Stacey


Saturday, June 22, 2019 - Mid Hudson KC New Paltz NY, Wllslands 'Klouds Round the Moon V Bethany Farms "Floyd" CGC CGCA was WD and BOBOH for a 3pt major under judge Ms Cheryl Paterson from Canada


June 9, 2019 Longshore - Southport Kennel Club, Norwalk CT Wllslands Let it Be a Shot of Whiskey "Jameson" was Best of Winners for his final point to his Championship at 17months of age.
Wllslands Kween of the Realm V Bethany Farms "Katara" was WB for her first point, judge: Ms Nikki Riggsbee


June 8, 2019 Greenwich Kennel Club, Norwalk CT CH Wllslands Kurve in the Road V Bethany Farms "Driver" was BOB for 5 GRCH points judge: Ms Karen Hynek


June 1, 2019 - Wllslands Let it be a Bit Exotic "Zuri earned her CGC


May 25, 2019 - Wllslands 'Klouds Round the Moon V Bethany Farms "Floyd" earned his CGCA


May 4-9, 2019, Colonial Rottweiler Club Specialty PA
Wllslands Let it Be Lasting Foundation BN CGC TKN, "Brick" earned his CD with all 3 legs with placements. First place score 195.5, second place score 191, 3rd place score 191.

Wllslands Kream of the Krop V Bethany Farms CGC NTD, "Kai" passed the Temperment Test, she is #5 in the nation for Fast Cat and has a new Barn Hunt Novice title. Kai won her open bitch class on day one.

May 3, 2019 - American Rottweiler Club Achievement Award

March 29-31, 2019 - Syracuse NY, Wllslands Let it Be Lasting Foundation CGC TKN "Brick" earned his BN title with 2 first place & 1 2nd place scores.


March 19, 2019 - Wllslands Let it Be Lasting Foundation "Brick" earned his CGC and first trick title, TKN @ 13months old


March 3, 2019 - CT River Working Group, Colonial Rottweiler Club Supported sweepstakes, Springfield Mass:

WLLSLANDS LET IT BE A SHOT OF WHISKY, "Jameson" was Best in Sweepstakes, judge Ms. Janina Laurin

WLLSLANDS LET IT BE ONCE IN A BLUE MOON HARPER, "Harper" was first place in the 12-18 sweepstakes class, judge Ms. Janina Laurin

CH WLLSLANDS KURVE IN THE ROAD V BETHANY FARMS, "Driver" was Best of Breed Owner Handled, judge Mr. Peter Gaeta

March 3, 2019 - First Company Governors Foot Guard, Springfield Mass:

WLLSLANDS LET IT BE A SHOT OF WHISKY, "Jameson" was reserve winners dog to the 5point major out of the 12-18 class, judge Mr. Dana Cline

WLLSLANDS LET IT BE ONCE IN A BLUE MOON HARPER, "Harper" was reserve winners bitch to the 5point major from the 12-18 class, Mr. Dana Cline


March 2, 2019 - CT River Working Group, Colonial Rottweiler Club Supported sweepstakes, Springfield Mass:

WLLSLANDS LET IT BE ONCE IN A BLUE MOON HARPER, "Harper" was Best Of Opposite in Sweepstakes, judge Doreen Luhrs

Jameson and Harper      ...      Harper Best of Opposite

CH WLLSLANDS SALT ROCKS ST JAMES GUINEZ. "Bubba" was Best of Opposite in Veteran Sweeps, judge Doreen Luhrs

WLLSLANDS LET IT BE A SHOT OF WHISKY, "Jameson" was first place in the 12-18 sweepstakes class and Winners Dog for a 5point major in the regular class, judge Ms. Vicki Allenbrand

WLLSLANDS KINDRED-SPIRIT SEVA V BETHANY FARMS, "Seva" was first place in Ambred bitches, judge Ms. Vicki Allenbrand

March 2, 2019 - First Company Governors Foot Guard, Springfield Mass:
WLLSLANDS LET IT BE A SHOT OF WHISKY, "Jameson" was Best of Winners for a 5pt major, judge Dr. Anthony Dinardo

WLLSLANDS KINDRED-SPIRIT SEVA V BETHANY FARMS, "Seva" was first place in Ambred bitches, judge Dr. Anthony Dinardo


February 7 2019 - Happy 2nd Birthday to the Rebel X Bentley litter!
Kaptain, Katara, Floyd, Elsa, Missy, Karma, Kai, Seva, Driver, Teagan







Bentley and Katara


February 2, 2019 - Great Barrington KC, Springfield Mass, "Kaptain" Ch Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms CGC finished his Championship with a 4 point major under judge Ms. Judy Harrington. He is 1 week shy of his 2nd birthday.



January 19, 2019 - Happy First Birthday to the Luna / Blue Litter:
Brick, Jameson, Brew, Gage, Harper, Lilly, Radar, Zuri, and Gemma!








January 6, 2019 - Springfield Mass, Merrimack KC "Kaptain" Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms was WD for 2pts.
"Kai" was WB for 2pts and "Driver" CH Wllslands Kurve in the Road V Bethany Farms went BOS for 5 GRCH points under judge Mr. Garry Newton

January 5, 2019 - Springfield Mass, Merrimack KC, "Kaptain" Wllslands Kaptain Von Lutters V Bethany Farms was WD for 2pts. "Driver" CH Wllslands Kurve in the Road V Bethany Farms went Select dog for his first 3 GRCH points under judge Mr. Lee Herr

Driver, Kai and Kaptain

Harper - 11 months

Kai - 23 months

Kaptain - 23 months




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