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December 25 -  Merry Christmas To All


Sept 17, South Shore Kennel Club Falmouth Mass
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day BN CGC "Roscoe" was BOB / BOBOH, judge Mr Timothy Robbins
Wllslands Mile High Misty Mountainz CS BN TKN TT CGC "Denver" was WB for the major finishing her Championship

Sept 16 , Cape Cod Kennel Club Falmouth Mass.
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day BN CGC "Roscoe" was BOB / BOBOH & OH Group 4, judge Mrs Terrie Breen & Ms Sylvie Mcgee



July 23, Putnam KC - Judge Richard Lewis
Wllslands N'A Landslide "Stevie" was WB
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" BOS/BOBOH OH Grp 3

July 22, Saw Mill River KC - Judge Angela Popora
Wllslands Mile High Misty Mountainz "Denver" was WB
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" BOB/BOBOH OH Grp 1

July 11, Holyoke KC
CH Wllslands Let It Be A Shot of Whisky "Jameson" was BOB/BOBOH, OH Grp 2, 4 GRCH points
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" select dog for 2 GRCH points

July 9, Kenilworth KC Springfield Mass
CH Wllslands Let It Be A Shot of Whisky "Jameson" was BOB/BOBOH for 2 GRCH points
Wllslands Mezmerizng Bubbles "Bubbles" was WD for 1 point
Wllslands Mile High Misty Mountainz "Denver" was WB/BOW/BOS for 1 point

July 4, Wampanoag KC Wrentham Mass
CH Wllslands Let It Be A Shot of Whisky "Jameson" was BOB/BOBOH for 2 GRCH points
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" select dog for 2 GRCH points

July 3, Hockamock KC Wrentham Mass
CH Wllslands Let It Be A Shot of Whisky "Jameson" was BOB/BOBOH for 3 GRCH points

July 2, Hockamock KC Wrentham Mass
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" select dog for 2 GRCH points

July 1, Wampanoag Kennel Club Wrentham Mass
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" Select, BOB / BOBOH for 3 GRCH points

June 20, Middlesex County Kennel Club Brooklyn CT
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" Select dog for 2 GRCH points

June 19, North Shore Kennel Club Brooklyn CT
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" Select, BOB / BOBOH OH Grp 1

June 18, North Shore Kennel Club Brooklyn CT
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" Select, BOBOH OH Grp 4


June 13 WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB, Lyndhurst Estate Tarrytown NY
CH Wllslands Let It Be Once In A Blue Moon Harper "Harper" was Select Bitch


June 11, Taconic Hills NY
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" was BOBOH /OH Grp 3

June 6 Ladies Dog Club Wrentham Mass - judge Mr. Roger Gifford
Wllslands Magig Dragonz "Gryffin" was WD / BOW
Wllslands Mile High Misty Mountainz "Denver" was WB for 2 points
CH Wllslands Let it Be Once In A Blue Moon Harper "Harper" was BOB for 4 GRCH points
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" was Select dog for 2 GRCH points and OHBOB

June 5 Ladies Dog Club Wrentham Mass - judge Mrs Abby Patrizio
Wllslands Mile High Misty Mountainz "Denver" was WB / BOW for 1 point
CH Wllslands Let It Be Once in A Blue Moon Harper "Harper was BOS for 1GRCH point
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" was BOB / BOBOH for 3 GRCH points


May 16, Brooklyn CT, judge Dr. Joan Eversole
Wllslands 'N A Landslide "Stevie" was WB for her first point
CH Wllslands Let It Be Once In A Blue moon Harper "Harper"was select bitch for 1 GRCH point
CH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" was BOB / BOBOH for 4 GRCH points earning his GRCHampionship

May 15, Brooklyn CT, judge Mrs Pat Hess
Wllslands Mezmerizing Bubbles "Bubbles" was WD / Best of Winners for 2 points
CH Wllslands Let It Be Once in A Blue Moon Harper "Harper" was Select bitch for 1 GRCH point
CH Wllslands Let It Be A Shot of Whisky "Jameson" was BOBOH

May 14, Brooklyn CT, judge Mr. Terry Stacey
Wllslands Mezmerizing Bubbles "Bubbles" was WD / Best of Winners for 2 points
CH WLLSLANDS LET IT BE ONCE IN A BLUE MOON HARPER "Harper" was Select bitch for 1 GRCH Point
CH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" was Select dog and OHBOB / OH GRP 2 for 3 GRCH points


Colonial Rottweiler Club, Palmyra PA May 10 - 13

Wllslands Mile High Misty Mountainz "Denver" earned her Carting Started title under judge Mrs Jane Dyer
Denver earned 3 legs for her BN title with 3 scores in the 190's and placements in all 3 trials.

Wllslands Never Been To Spain "Zamora" headed to her first specialty in the 6-9 puppy class and picked up a few ribbons from both the sweeps and regular classes. 2nd, 3rd and 4rth places every day out of 9.

Wllslands N' A Landslide CGC "Stevie" was also in the ribbons every day. 2nd, and 4rth places

Wllslands Nashville Skyline "Sky" couldn't be left behind her sisters, so she picked up placement ribbons every day

Wllslands Let It Be Once In A Blue Moon Harper "Harper" earned an Award of Merit under judge Ms Terry Breen

CKC CH Wllslands Let It Be Lasting Foundation "Brick" CI CD BN NAP NJP TD VCD1 CGC TKN earned his carting Intermediate Title going Reserve High In Trial! Then "Brick" was Reserve WD one day and WD the final day at the outside show for a 5 point major!

CH Wllslands Imagine Bella Luna "Luna" was 2nd in the Brood bitch class in both shows



April 25, Springfield Mass - judge Denise Flaim
Wllslands Mezmerizing Bubbles "Bubbles" was WD/BOW for a 3point major

Wllslands Mile High Misty Mountainz CGC TT "Denver" was Reserve WB to the major

CH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" was select dog for 4 GRCH points and OHBOB and OH GR 4
CH Wllslands Let it be Once In A Blue Moon Harper "Harper" was BOS for 3 GRCH points
Wllslands N' A Landslide won her 6-9 puppy class.



April 24, 2021 - Springfield Mass Judge Mrs Sulie Greendale-Paveza
CH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" was BOBOH and OH group 4
Ch Wllslands Let it Be Once In A Blue Moon Harper "Harper was BOS for 3 GRCH points.



April 10, 2021 - Springfield Mass Judge Terrie Breen
CH Wllslands Make My Day CGC "Roscoe" went BOB/ OHBOB for 5 GRCH points
CH Wllslands Let it Be Once In A Blue Moon Harper "Harper" was Best of Opposite for 3 GRCH points
CH Wllslands Let It Be A Shot of Whisky "Jameson" was select dog for 3 GRCH points
Wllslands Mezmerizing Bubbles "Bubbles was Winners dog and Best of Winners for 2 points.



March 13 & 14, 2021 - Augusta NJ, Monticello NY Kennel Club
CH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" was BOB under Jacqueline Stacey
CH Wllslands Let it Be A Shot of Whisky "Jameson was select dog both days
CH Wllslands Let It Be Once in A Blue Moon Harper "Harper was Best of Opposite both days

BOSS GCH Casey's Upping the Ante "Ruckus" was BOB both days


March 7, 2021 - 3 friends, 4 dogs & 8 new titles, 4 CGC and 4 Temperment Tests, Thank you Northeast K9 & Lynne Palmer-Panno for a well done event.

Congratulations left to right: & CH WLLSLANDS LET IT BE A SHOT OF WHISKY “Jameson”



Feb 6 & 7, 2020 Great Barrington Kennel Club, Springfield Mass. Judges Linda Berberich, Sharon Zaker and Dr Valeria Rickard

It was so great to be back in the ring after a very long stretch since Ct River in March 2020. The icing of the weekend was finishing "Harper" with 2 majors. CH Wllslands Let It Be Once In A Blue Moon Harper. (DOB 1/19/2018) owned and bred by Gene Amparo and Laura Wells. "Harper" is sired by GCHG Jungersohn Two For The Show V Esmond BN RN TKN CGC X CH Wllslands Imagine Bella Luna

WLLSLANDS MEZMERIZING BUBBLES TKN 'Bubbles' showed beautifully & picked up his first major. Thank you judge Sharon Zaker for choosing him & the nice feedback. Bubbles is out of Sire: Multi Group Winning/Multi BISS GCHG Nighthawk's Antonio Banderas Too CGC, TN-E, BR-N, WV-N, ICC 'Baby T'
Dam: CH Wllslands Imagine Running With The Rebel 'Rebel'

First time out as a special, 'Roscoe' CH Wllslands Make My Day CGC was Select dog for 8 GRCh points and BOBOH with 2 OH Group 2's! 'Roscoe' is owned by Joe & Nancy Caporusso and Laura Wells
sired by GCHG Nighthawk's Antonio Banderas Too CGC, TN-E, BR-N, WV-N, ICC 'Baby T' X 'Rebel' CH Wllslands Imagine Running With The Rebel.

CH CASEY'S UPPING THE ANTE CGC 'Ruckus Pug the Nottweiler' picked up 2 more GCH majors and pending AKC approval finished his Grand Championship. Thank you judges Tammy Jackson (Sat) and Elaine Lessig (Sun) for finding our boy and all the lovely feedback. Ruckus is out of Sire: GCHP Sycamore's Nirvana-Winsome's A League Of His Own 'Willie'  Dam: CH Casey's Struttin With Bobby 'Fancy'



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