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Christmas - December 2022

Dec 16, 2022 - AKC National Owner Handled
Finals in Orlando Florida, Multi OHBIS NOHSG
MultiGrp placing GRCHB Wllslands Make My Day BN
TT CGC V1 NERF 2022 Sieger "Roscoe" was Best of
Opposite Sex ending his career on a high note...

Nov 25 & 27 - Springfield KC Mass judge Mrs
Doris Cozart Wllslands Rock City Ms Jiminy
Cricket "Cricket" went Winners bitch each day.
One point on the 25, 2 points on the 27...

Sept 25 - Massachsetts, New England Rottweiler
Fanciers 2022 Sieger Show. Judge Amanda
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day
"Roscoe" was awarded a V1 placement then went
on to become NERF Sieger 2022
CH Wllslands
'N a Landslide "Stevie" was awarded a V1
Wllslands Never Been To Spain "Zamora" was
there to cheer her friends on..

Nov 1, Wllslands Rock City Teller graduated
from puppy manners class.

Oct 31 - Halloween

Petey and Kensey |

Petey and Kensey |

Petey |

Roscoe |

Rebel |

Rebel |

Teller & family |
Oct 7 - Rest in Peace sweet Girl
Let it Be Gemma Von Orras "Gemma" owned and
loved dearly by Alyssa
January 19, 2018 -
Oct 7, 2022

Sept 28 - Wllslands Goddess of Badlands
"Dakota" turned 13 years old! Happy Birthday

Sept 24, Colonial Rottweiler Club Specialty
Show, Goshen CT - CH Wllslands Kurve in the
Road V Bethany Farms "Driver" was BOB, Driver
now adds BISS and Grand Champion to his name.

Sept 11, Souhegan KC, Nashua NH CH Wllslands N'
A Landslide "Stevie" was BOB for 5 GRCH points
/ Group 4 under judges Robert Hutton & Mr. Guy
GRCH Wllslands Let it Be a Shot of
Whisky "Jameson" was BOS for 2 GRCH Points and
OH Grp 4.

Sept 5th, Schooley's Mountain KC, Agusta NJ
"Roscoe went BOB/BOBOH under judge Mrs Gay
Kuehnel-Histake and OH Grp 2, judge Denise

Multi BOSS Multi Group winning GCHB Casey's
Upping the Ante CGC "Ruckus" was OHBIS.
Judge Tammy Jackson (OHBOB) & Select
, Larry Berg for OHGrp 1, Elizabeth Sweigart

July 21- 23, - Mid 90* weather with high
humidity, "The Dog Days of Summer" in Carmel
NY. Multi OHBIS Multi Grp placing GRCHB
Wllslands Make My Day CGC TT BN "Roscoe"
handled it. Thursday am show Regular Grp 3- Bob
Busby , Thursday pm show Regular Grp 2- Angela
Porpora. , Friday Regular Grp 4- Mrs Joan
Liebes, Saturday OH Grp 1- Barbara Pessina.

July 17-18 Twin Brooks Kennel Club, Morristown
After being away from the show ring for
10 wks raising the Micky x Denver litter,
Roscoe was very happy to be back in the ring.
Twin Brooks KC Morristown NJ, thank you judges,
Mr. Gifford, David Anthony, Jacqueline Rayner &
Denise Flaim. BOB/BOBOH, OH grp 2 & 3 and a
regular grp 4!

July 6 Springfield Mass Naugatuck Valley KC,
judge Helene Nietch awarded Jameson Select Dog
/ BOBOH, OH Grp 2 judge
July 7 Naugatuck
Valley KC, Roscoe went Select, BOBOH & OH Grp 2
under Rick Blanchard
July 8 Kenilworth KC
Aries was RWD under David Bolus, Zamora was
WB/BOS for 1 point, Roscoe was BOB/BOBOH OH Grp
4, Driver Select
July 9 Farmington Valley
KC, Aries was RWD, Zamora BOW/BOS for 1 point,
Jameson BOB/BOBOH OH Grp 2
July 10 Holyoke
KC, judge Joe Walton, Aries RWD, Jameson Select

June 26, Mid Hudson Kennel Association, New Paltz NY under judge Dr. John Ioia, GRCH Wllslands Let It Be a Shot of Whisky BN CGCA TT was Resrve Owner Handled Best In Show

May 7-8 - Chaplin CT, The Rottweiler Club of
Connecticut, Northeast Regional Sieger Show,
Judge Lucy Ang USRC
Wllslands Never Been to
Spain "Zamora" was awarded V1 out of 8 bitches
in the 18-24 class, She was then awarded Youth
GCH Wllslands Let it Be A Shot of
Whisky "Jameson" was awarded V3 in the open dog

May 1, 2022 - South County Kennel Club judge
Dr. Eric Liebes , "Roscoe" went BOB/ BOBOH and
OH Group 4
April 30, 2022 - Richmond RI, judge Ed Fojtik
GRCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" went
Wllslands Never Been to
Spain "Zamora" was WB / BOS for 1 point and
passed her AKC TT
Wllslands Nashville Skyline "Sky"
went BOB from the classes and Regular Group 3
in Tennessee for her first point!

April 24 Springfield Mass judge Dr Gerard Penta GCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" was B/BOBOH for 3 GrCH points. Jameson was Select for 2 GrCh points
April 23 judge Robert Shreve. Wllslands Milky Way "Aries" was WD for 2pts.

GCH Wllslands Let it Be a Shot of Whisky "Jameson" was B/BOBOH OHGrp 3 earning another 3 GrCh points.

GCH Wllslands Make My Day "Roscoe" was Select dog for 2 GCh points
Saturday 3/5/2022 First Company Governors Foot
Guard, judge, Mrs Anne Marie Taylor, awarded
Wllslands Never Been to Spain "Zamora" her
first 4 point major. GRCHB Wllslands Make My
Day "Roscoe" was Select dog in a stunning line
up of Specials! The Connecticut River Working
Group show in the afternoon with judge Mrs
Catherine Cooper, awarded Wllslands N'a
Landslide "Stevie" RWB and GRCH Wllslands Let
it Be a Shot of Whisky "Jameson" an Award of
Merit and BOBOH!

Sunday 3/6/2022
Connecticut River Working Group show in the
morning, judge Mrs Stephanie Hamblin Barnhill
Gave "Zamora" her 2nd 4 point major, her sister
"Stevie" RWB, Wllslands Milky Way "Aries" RWD,
"Roscoe" Select / BOBOH going on to an OH
Working Group 1!
The First Company Governors
Foot Guard afternoon show with judge Ms. Nancy
Amburgey gave "Aries" RWD, "Zamora" RWB and
"Stevie" the 4pt major to finish her

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